Facebook ID Recovery Apk


Facebook ID Recovery: Regaining Access to Your Account

Recovering an old Facebook ID can be quite frustrating, especially if you’ve forgotten the login credentials or your account has been compromised. However, there are several steps you can take to regain access to your old Facebook ID. Here’s a detailed guide on how to recover your Facebook account:

1. Start with Forgot Password: Visit the Facebook login page and click on the “Forgot Password” link. This will prompt you to enter the email address, phone number, or username associated with your old Facebook ID. Provide the required information and click on “Search”.

2. Account Recovery Options: Facebook will provide you with different recovery options based on the information you provided earlier. It could be email, phone number, or a trusted contact. Select the option that is accessible to you and click on “Continue”.

3. Email/SMS Verification: If you choose the email option, Facebook will send a password reset link to your registered email address. Access your email inbox, check for any messages from Facebook, and follow the instructions provided to reset your password. In case you choose the phone number option, Facebook will send a verification code through SMS. Enter the code you receive to proceed with resetting your password.

4. Trusted Contacts: Facebook also provides an option to recover your account through trusted contacts. If you had previously set up trusted contacts, you can choose this option and Facebook will send recovery codes to your nominated contacts. Contact your trusted friends, collect the codes, and enter them when prompted by Facebook.

5. Security Questions: If you have set up security questions on your account, Facebook may prompt you to answer them. Provide the correct answers to regain access to your old Facebook ID.

6. Reporting Hacked Account: In case your account has been compromised, navigate to Facebook’s Help Center and report a hacked account. Facebook will guide you through a series of steps to recover your account and ensure its security.

7. Contact Facebook Support: If none of the above methods work, contacting Facebook support is your final option. Visit the Facebook Help Center, go to the “Contact Us” section, and explain your situation. Facebook’s support team will guide you through the recovery process.

To avoid losing access to your Facebook account in the future, make sure to keep your login credentials secure, enable two-factor authentication, and regularly update your password. Additionally, consider adding a recovery email address and setting up trusted contacts for additional account security.

Remember, recovering an old Facebook ID may take time, so be patient and follow the instructions provided by Facebook diligently.

Losing access to your Facebook account can be a frustrating experience. Whether you forgot your password, your account was hacked, or you’re facing any other login-related issues, the good news is that Facebook provides a range of options for ID recovery. In this article, we will guide you through the process of recovering your Facebook ID, ensuring you can regain access to your account and reconnect with your online social network.

I. Forgot Your Password? Resetting it is the Key

Forgetting your Facebook password is a common occurrence, but it’s also one of the simplest issues to resolve. Follow these steps to reset your password:

• Go to the Facebook login page and click on the “Forgot Password?” link.
• Enter your email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account.

• Select the password reset method: email, text message, or authentication app (if enabled).

• Follow the instructions provided in the chosen method to reset your password.
• Create a strong and unique password to enhance account security.

II. Recovering a Hacked Account: Taking Back Control

If you suspect that your Facebook account has been hacked, immediate action is crucial to protect your personal information. Here’s what you can do:

• Visit the Facebook Help Center’s “Hacked Accounts” section.
• Follow the instructions provided to secure your account.
• Change your password and enable two-factor authentication for added security.
• Review your recent activity to identify any unauthorized actions and report them to Facebook.


• Be cautious of phishing attempts in the future and regularly update your password.

III. Dealing with Disabled Accounts: Reinstating Access

In some cases, Facebook may disable your account due to policy violations or suspicious activity. If this happens, here’s how you can request account reactivation:

• Visit the Facebook Help Center and navigate to the “Disabled Accounts” section.
• Fill out the account recovery form, providing accurate and detailed information.


• Submit the form and wait for Facebook’s response.
• If additional information is required, provide it promptly to expedite the process.
• Follow any instructions given by Facebook to reinstate your disabled account.


IV. Contacting Facebook Support: Seeking Assistance

If none of the above methods work or you encounter specific issues during the recovery process, reaching out to Facebook’s support team can provide additional help. Here are the steps to contact Facebook support:


• Visit the Facebook Help Center and select the “Support Inbox” option.
• Choose the appropriate category for your issue and click on “Get Started.”
• Describe your problem in detail and attach any relevant documents or screenshots.
• Submit your request and wait for Facebook’s response.
• Monitor your email inbox and the support inbox for updates and further instructions.


Losing access to your Facebook account can be a distressing experience, but with the right steps, you can regain control and reconnect with your online social circle. Whether you forgot your password, your account was hacked, or you’re facing other login-related issues, following the recovery methods provided by Facebook can help you regain access to your account swiftly and securely.

Remember to prioritize account security by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against phishing attempts. By taking the appropriate measures, you can protect your Facebook account and enjoy a safe and enjoyable social networking experience.